Who We Are
How we see the recruitment world evolving and why we created RSI:
The Solution
When it comes to recruitment, we believe it is ‘fit’ which is becoming more crucial than ever, for all parties, and that it is increasingly more complicated to achieve. Fit can only exist if there is harmony between the parties with respect to mutual expectations and values. Adequate skills, personalities and interests are of course mandatory, but not sufficient. Compensation package and proximity of location neither, as many have found out. Unfortunately, résumés and job postings, especially electronic ones, provide little insight to evaluate potential fit.
What We Seek To Accomplish
By carefully understanding the precise individual needs of each one of our clients and candidates, including their constraints, expectations and desires, and by locating and activating the appropriate resources capable of satisfying them, we strive to bring the exact value that each one of our clients requires.
That is what we intend by “integration of recruitment solutions”.
Company Information
RSI Inc. Recruitment Solutions Integrators is a private corporation registered in Canada. Its headquarter is located in Toronto. The company employs both permanent employees and independent consultants.
Our Team
Jean-Marc Frion – jmf@RSIrecruitment.com – 1 416 287 1995
Nicolas Frion – nickf@rsirecruitment.com – 1 647 393 9020
Val Parham – val@rsirecruitment.com – 1 202 683 7534
Kareen Johnson – kareenj@rsirecruitment.com – 1 416 910 5227
Suparna Mukherjee – suparna@rsirecruitment.com – 1 519 209 7309